About AMET
AMET, a non-profit organization, organized under Chapter 22 of the Texas Business Organizations Code supports migrant educators of Texas to ensure that every migrant student in Texas has access to a quality education. Through AMET, we empower individuals at the national, state, and local levels as they equip each child with the skills and resources necessary to be successful.
Vision Statement
To support migrant students and educators of migrant students in Texas as a leader and innovator in public education through a broad-based system of community support.
Mission Statement
To passionately advocate for migrant students and families, provide leadership and resources to educators of migrant students and to serve as a voice for the migrant education program.
AMET will:
Promote advocacy for migrant students
Provide scholarships for migrant students
Host migrant state conferences
Articles of Incorporation
AMET Articles of Incorporation
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“Our migrant children… They are our only hope. Like seedlings, they have been sown in our schools. It is our wish they blossom into harvests of hope.”
-Author Unknown